Order Cancelation

All orders can be cancelled until they are shipped. If your order has been paid and you need to change or cancel it, you must contact us within one (1) hour. Once the processing, packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be cancelled. Your order will then be refunded with a 3% charge withhold for credit card processing.



We are confident about the exceptional quality of our products and we hope to satisfy your demands. However, if for any reason, you would like to return the item, we accept returns within 14 days of the delivery.

Luxury handbags and Luxury accessories are FINAL SALE items.

Our Made in USA product collection can be returned only in the case of very specific circumstances such as loss or damage. We understand that sometimes issues can appear, and we guarantee that we are doing our very best to help you as much as we can.


Can I return an item if it has shipping defects?

You can return the item if there are shipping defects, however that means you shouldn’t open it. Once the package is opened, you can’t state it had shipping defects.


Where can I ship the item back?

If you have any issues and want us to process a return, then you will need to get in touch with our team. We will provide you with the return address and an RMA number.


Do I need to pay for a return?

You will have to pay for return fees yourself. On top of that, luxury items are not refundable.


How do I receive a refund?

Once the item is returned and we received and inspected it, you will receive a refund for the total amount be it via the payment processor you used or your credit card. Do keep in mind that any shipping costs are not refundable.


What can I do in case I received a damaged product?

In case you received a damaged product, we encourage you to contact us via email within the next 48 hours. Send us an email and share pictures with the damaged parts of the item. We also need to see clear packaging pictures. We will share all the details you need to know in order to send the item back so you can get a refund. Or, based on the situation, you can ask for a new product if you want to.


How much time does it take until I get my refund?

That usually differs, but most of the time it will take up to 10 business days. It all comes down to how fast the item comes back to us. Normally it’s anywhere from 3 to 10 business days.